I try my best to keep things green and kind
None of my standard packaging is plastic and most of my paper packaging is made from recycled materials. I’ve taken the Naked Cards Pledge not to send cards sold online in celophane wrappers. Unusual shaped orders are often packed in reused packaging materials (and that might involve plastic if appropriate).
The Badger Sett runs on power from Ecotricity, who generate and invest in renewable energy sources
Paper and card used to make pins and their cards are recycled.
Wood used in laser cut pins is FSC
Most of my greetings cards and envelopes are made of 100% recycled card or paper. Occasionally, when I am printing a small test run I print on FSC card instead and square coloured envelopes are only 80% recycled.
I reuse waste paper where possible. Exhausted paper is either recycled or composted.
Vegan? So far I have confirmed that the following are vegan: envelopes, the glue I use to stick metal brooch backs to wooden pins and the paint I use are vegan. I am fairly certain that the glue I use to stick boxes together and varnish are also glue, but will update this when I have confirmed this.
Have I missed anything? I’m keen to learn - if you have any ideas about how I can make my products more sustainable I’d love to hear from you at charmingbadger@outlook.com