Locked down
These limitations also affect the range of goods available on this site - so bear with me. It may take a while, but we’ll get back to full strength as soon as possible. Compared with what many are going through - I’m counting my blessings even if things are a bit cut-down.
In the interests of everyone’s safety most art and gift shops shut their doors. However hats off to the entrepreneurial efforts made by two to offer a delivery service:
The Warren Stockport initially provided a delivery service via Facebook but now has a shiny new website. You can find a selection of Charming Badger products listed here.
A Curious Collection in Withington is offering to deliver purchases within their local area. You can find an album containing photos of products for sale on their Facebook page.
With a bit more time on my hands, I’ve been able to spend a bit of time building this site - it’s been great to have the time to do that. Additionally, I’ve had time to do some experimentation - some of which may result in new products in time! Others (like the pins made using a new medium that looked like mouldy bran flakes) are probably best forgotten!
Of course, there may also have been too much cake
How are things with you?