Keeping in touch - Postcard and progress

Should’ve checked the website!

Should’ve checked the website!

Things are starting to feel a little more positive here at The Sett. One highlight has been that I’ve got a design included in this month’s Post Snail Press collection. Not heard of it? Post Snail Press is a collaborative art project organised by the Manchester Art Colossi Nicola of Fernandes Makes illustrator of quirky things (clearly a mission I approve of) and, contemporary embroider, Laura of Loaf and Bear. It aims to provide an outlet for artists, build community and raise funds for The Samaritans, which is a cause that I heartily endorse. Each month they curate a collection of postcards which are sold for £2 each, which you can either send on to keep in touch during these socially distanced times, or just put on your walls cos, y’know, CHEAP ART! My design is called ‘should’ve checked the website’ and it was inspired by a long drive the wrong way ending up with miles of dirt tracks to a local park only to be met by a sign saying that it was closed due to the pandemic. I suspect that most of us have had a similar experience in the last few months. I’d like to think that if anyone out there was looking out for us during all of this, they’d be redirecting any inter-planetary visitors right now. Anyway, the place to find this month’s designs - which are a fab collection by the way - is over on the Post Snail Press website, check it out!

In other news I’m very close to getting some new greetings cards printed and am working on some new laser designs - about time too eh? I’ll be shouting about this as soon as they’re ready on my social media channels - and if there’s not news about this by next months blog, I give you permission to contact me and tell me off.

I hope you’re still staying safe and obeying even the strange and inconsistent limitations that we’re being asked to respect - even if, like me in Greater Manchester, you’re facing targetted restrictions. I guess it’s all we can do right?

It’s good to keep in touch, as we still are in this together. If you feel like it’s all getting too much and that you’re going to explode and talking to someone who is outside your social group - you could do worse than getting in contact with The Samaritans, they won’t judge.


International shipping and new stuff


July update - shops are starting to open!